Designer and client
- Opening meeting
- Order scope
- Offer or estimate
- Conclusion of an agreement and contract
- Project brief
- Content of the project brief
- Initial project activities
- Design concept
- Implementation activities
- Project management
- Art direction and supervision
- Final approval for implementation
- Remuneration and subcontractors
- Additional services and reimbursement of expenses
- Intellectual property protection
- Copyright
- Moral rights
- Economic copyrights
- Other rights of the author
- Right of use
- The client is not the co-author
- Author’s format copy
- Transformation of copyright work
- Enforcing copyrights
- Transfer of rights to a third party
- Compensation for infringement of copyright
- The right to obstruct imitation and distortion
- Rejected design concepts
- Invited competition, design pitch
- Autorship citation
- Reprinting
- Presenting and promoting the work
- Discontinuation of production
- Elements of a copyright work
- Several authors
- Co-authorship
- Licence fees