Editorial Board:
Zarja Vintar, Editor-in-Chief of guidelines
Nataša Vuga, Editor-in-Chief of recommended rates
Nataša Šušteršič Plotajs, editor
Danijela Grgić, editor
Professional colleagues:
We would like to thank more than 60 designers, design studios, advertising agencies and individuals from other areas of creative industries who have participated so far with their professional advice and cooperation in updating the content for the establishment of the first Slovenian freely accessible online platform Recommendations for pricing of design services.
Expert copyright review: attorney Špela Grčar, Odvetniška pisarna Grčar, o.p., d.o.o. from Kamnik, https://odvetniki-grcar.si/
Translations into English: students of the 2nd year of the Master’s Degree in Translation and Digital Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts – Anamari Pečan, Katarina Brezovar, Klara Vrabl, Lara Godec, Manja Kolenc, Nejc Lavtar, Stanko Kralj, Una Marković
Contact: priporocila@drustvo-oblikovalcev.si
Place and year of first publication: Ljubljana, 21 June 2023
In 2022 (January-June 2022) , the project with the working name “Regulations on Pricing of Design Services in Slovenia”created by the Designers Society of Slovenia was part of the partner network of the Platform Center for Creativity at the Museum of Architecture and Design. The renovation of the content was co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia.